Introduction of Lyme disease
The diagnosis of the disease with such symptoms and signs is more likely to be caused by an infection with Borrelia burgdorferi (B. burgdorferi), known as Lyme disease. Lyme disease is caused by a tick bite popularly in Appalachian Mountains or region in which our patient went hiking for a week. There is possibility of her being infected by a different infection but most likely in the hiking role is the Lyme disease which has all the symptoms stated below. The Lyme disease is not contagious but caution can be used in order to protect other people from getting the disease itself, like those people who donate blood should not be allowed to donate blood if they are infected with the disease.
The Lyme disease is generally caused by a tick bite in the plains of the Appalachian Mountains most commonly to have bitten the patient. There are two types of ticks which cause Lyme diseases but are found in different parts of the continental U. S that is the Deer tick that spread Lyme disease in the northeastern and upper Midwestern U.S, and the western black-legged ticks which spread Lyme disease along the Pacific coast-mostly northern California and Oregon.
Nursing care plan
Our patient has shown early stage and second stage symptoms of the Lyme disease which is an infection due to a bite of a tick. Therefore for a doctor or a clinical officer to offer a diagnosis for the patient, a nursing plan has to be developed on how to undergo treatment from the initial time of diagnosis to the last day into recovery. The treatment should be based on the effects of the infection on the patient. The rash on the face, increased muscle pains and aches, fatigue as another promising symptom of the disease. In order to understand self-nursing teaching and care plan, symptoms and treatment of the disease will be identified and analyzed further to look for preventive and curative procedures.
Symptoms and Signs
The Lyme disease three distinct stages and these stages have different symptoms; 1st stage; this stage starts at 14 weeks. The patient is bitten by the tick either the deer tick or western and on the skin appears a rash like in this case our patient. In the case of our patient example is like fever and chills, fatigue, headaches, there is general weight loss as experienced by our patient, muscle aches and pains in the joints and wrists among many others.
The second stage is more likely to be almost the first stage but in our case the patient has not yet experienced the second stage in a more adversely way, but to understand the disease, the second stage is experienced by a numerous additional rashes on the skin or other parts of your body, in which case our patient has not yet experienced this, most common of all is being tired and losing of weight like the case in stage one. There is also pain and numbness in the joints, arms or legs in this particular patient has experienced in the first and stage. When the patient faces sunlight there is pain due to inability to control facial nerves, there is also recurring headaches and sometimes reduced ability to concentrate.
The third stage; is a fully developed Lyme disease with the following symptoms, with persistent fatigue, headaches, tingling of the hands and loss of the ability to compose body movements and facial paralysis and its reception to the outside stimuli but this often occurs after months of being infected. Without medical attention for this type of bacteria, late persistent may lead to damage of the nervous system, neurological changes which is associated with poor memory, moods, sleep and most likely conversing problems.
Treatment Overview
Treatment procedures of Lyme disease are easy if detected in the early stages before the second stage. Particularly the disease is treated with antibiotics like amoxicillin and doxycycline. If applied during the early stages, then it's possible for effective recovery. In the case study, the patient should be introduced to antibiotics which will help her to overcome the side effects of the rashes which are in the first stage of development.
Mary who is the patient showed the following symptoms, "BP 112/66 mm Hg; HR 62 BPM and regular; respiratory rate 12 breaths/min; temperature 100.3" F. These symptoms are elaborate in the concept the disease is in the first stage and antibiotics should be applied and introduced to improve her immune system. Several erythematous plaques scattered over the cheeks and the bridge of nose, sparing the nasolabial folds, the bacteria caused by the ticks has the infection which has resulted into the rashes ion the cheeks. Normocephalic, a traumatic, Sclera white, conjunctivae clear; pupils constrict from 4 mm to 2 mm and equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation, Mary should be allowed to walk in the sunlight in order to reverse the effects caused by the irritation towards the direct sunlight. Oropharynx moist with erythema in the posterior pharyngeal wall; no exudates; shallow ulcers in the buccal mucosa bilaterally, these also develops into the applications of antibiotics like the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs which are effective to counteract the effects of the irritation rashes such as aspirin and ibuprofen. Therefore this treatment plan in the case of our patient should be well developed to help her in understanding the basic ways in which she can cure the rash.; has provided the basic introduction into the Lyme disease from the time of infection through a bite from a tick. The basic information contained in this journal article technically explains the importance into the regard of the of its symptoms, treatment mechanism, its effects on the human beings and the general ways into which one can protect herself and himself from being attacked by the ticks. In this article technically options have been detailed on how the occurrence of this Lyme disease can be misdiagnosed since most of its symptoms are mostly common in the origin flu and coughs, but some of the symptoms raised here are fevers, headaches muscle and joint aches, pains which are commonly associated with stiff necks and fatigue among many others. More can be said by the exceptional scientific testing has been done on the field to determine the different effects caused by ticks and their long-lasting effects in the medical field. More study has been conducted especially in the case in which the ticks have infected the patient and this has managed to develop preliminary studies into the development of curative measures in accordance to Lyme disease.
New Infection, Not Relapse, Brings Back Lyme Symptoms, Study Says by DENISE GRADY Published: November 14, 2012. This is one of the interesting journals which have been published in the New York Times. The study here is shown in the notion that patients who have suffered from the Lyme disease are they really cured or does the disease turn into a chronic illness that requires antibiotic therapy after a long time of up to a year. Therefore study was conducted that could explain this allegation and further diagnosis of patients who have experienced this effects again were diagnosed and tested and it turned out to be that they were suffering from other infections.